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Courtside Academy consists of Private 1-On-1, Semi-Private Small Groups, Team Training, After-School Academy, Greenlight Shooting Series, and our seasonal programming - Breakfast Club, Elite Summer Nights. Training is conducted by certified coaches and athletes with college and pro playing experience. Courtside Academy is available to boys and girls ages 5 and up (*some programming excluded).

All programs focus on mastering the details within fundamental skills instruction and developing a high basketball IQ. We consider each training session as an investment in the person, not just the athlete. We seek to produce measurable results that are sustainable, and are determined to not only help each athlete reach their goals, but to exceed their expectations.

2021 Programming

Courtside Academy will conduct private training and weekly skills sessions at Southwest Christian School and CERA in Fort Worth. Programming to include 1-On-1 and Small Group Training, Elite Summer Nights, Greenlight Shooting Series, Breakfast Club, and Courtside Open Runs (HS Only).

Consistency → Transformation

We believe true transformation happens from the grind, relationship, accountability,
and support received through consistent training.

Courtside Rewards

We want to give back to those committing and investing their time and talents. Therefore, our Courtside Rewards Program offers rebates to athletes enrolled in our Next Level and Elite private training, and to athletes, teams, and schools who regularly participate in our events. We also provide referral incentives to all athletes, teams, and schools enrolled with Courtside 360.

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1-On-1 Private Training

1-On-1 Private Training is 100% about YOU and what Courtside can do to help you realize your full athletic potential. Private Training allows for each athlete to receive dedicated, personal attention and quality repetitions in a productive environment without distractions.

Regardless of ability or experience level, 1-On-1 Private Training is an effective way for passionate athletes to elevate their game to the next level.

Our 1-On-1 Private Training programs provide athletes with additional resources, opportunities, access to exclusive content, and awesome takeaways. Multiple Player Development Programs (PDP) available.

Where transformation is inevitable!

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Semi-Private Small Groups

Small Group Training involves semi-private instruction and sessions consisting of up to 10 athletes. The energy and diversity of a Small Group training session provides players a spirited atmosphere to improve upon their athleticism while participating in an environment of competitive play alongside peers.

We offer numerous programs suitable for athletes at all experience levels including Little Hoopers, Middle Hoopers Beginners & Advanced, and High Hoopers Advanced.

Grab some teammates and let’s train!

Through my years of working with Coach Yocom and getting to know him both personally and professionally, his dedication to development is second to none. I’ve never met someone with more passion for the sport of basketball, growing the game, and developing young players into successful athletes.
- Blake Armstrong, Vice President, Texas Legends

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Team Training

Team Training is a unique partnership with Courtside and a great way for coaches to evaluate the strength of their basketball program.

Whether at the elementary, middle school, high school, or AAU level, Team Training offers coaches and players fresh perspective, a glimpse into where their team is presently, and helps prepare them for competing at the next level. 

Let’s team up!

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After-School Academy

After-School Academy is where we bring Courtside Academy to you! This “train & play” program is for elementary schools and utilizes the same format as our Little Hoopers Player Development Program (PDP).

Our After-School Academy provides convenient, FUNdamental basketball training and physical fitness for schools to offer students and parents looking for other opportunities for their children.

This isn’t recess… let’s #getbetter

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Elite Summer Nights

Elite Summer Nights is for boys/girls 5th – 12th grade with competitive playing experience (School, Select, Club, AAU) who already have a firm foundation and strong grasp of the game.

Instruction covers all aspects of the game including: Advanced Ball Handling, Agility & Footwork, Specialized Attack Moves, Passing & Court Vision, Conditioning & Quickness, Defense/Rebounding, Shooting (Finishing, Increased Range), Complex Read/React Situations, High-level Basketball IQ, Sound Decision-Making, Team Philosophies. 

I spent my summer, Courtside!

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Breakfast Club

Your summer morning workout program is here! #joinuscourtside every Tuesday and Thursday 7am-9am June - July for this high-level training experience. Breakfast Club is for advanced boys and girls in Middle School and High School with competitive playing experience (School, Select, Club, AAU).

Breakfast Club is Elite - mindset, discipline. accountability, passion, hunger, and heart. If you’re seriously committed to getting better the summer, Breakfast Club is for you!

If you’re not in the gym, someone else is!


Greenlight Shooting Series

Greenlight Shooting Series is for boys/girls 3rd– 12th grade. This high reps series provides athletes of all skill levels a spirited atmosphere to learn proper shot mechanics, master the basic fundamentals of shooting, and improve their shot by receiving high reps through efficient drills.

Shooting Specialist Coach Zac emphasizes the “Three-C’s” of shooting – Concentration, Confidence, Consistency. This 2-month series helps players increase their shooting accuracy and range.

Learn what it takes to get the green light!